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BIOGRAPHY Saul Nirenberg - picture

Saul Nirenberg has been actively involved in the financial world  for the last 42 years.  From 1966 to 1990, he was associated with a major brokerage house as a broker, sales manager and partner (LF Rothschild & Company).  His responsibilities included the supervision of literally  hundreds of stock brokers.

Since 1991 he and his associates have served as Expert Witnesses in more than 100 securities arbitrations and court cases and in another 500+ cases that were settled.  Those cases have recovered more than $25 million for investors.  The firm is currently  advising companies (and their employees) regarding the management of their 401(k)s when they retire as well the 401k programs that are being offered. 

Mr. Nirenberg and his associates have no affiliations with any brokers, investment advisors or others who are selling their services to investors.  He is a mediator and arbitrator for both the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq and has been a guest on CNN Financial Programs and Bloomberg News.

The March issue of the Society for Human Resources Magazine includes an article based on a question/answer session with their financial editors.  It covers HR departments role in helping their retiring employees manage their 401(k)s. 



Mr. Nirenberg and his associates have developed a comprehensive plan outlining how the HR Department can help retiring employees manage their 401(k)s.  The Plan, presented in this website,  includes the importance of HR vetting speakers invited to talk to employees (and the Vetting Process), information about scams that should be distributed by HR,  and details the information retirees need so they can take on responsibility for their 401k investments and that taking on this responsibility is within their abilities. 

The Plan is "user friendly".  HR departments either carry it out themselves or have us supervise it. 

Mr. Nirenberg has been asked by HR departments to start this program by speaking directly to groups of retiring employees about their 401(k)s.  This can be followed up by individual help programs through the internet. 

The Plan includes information and guidance for HR  and their employees, 401k Company programs and for individual investors.

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